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  • Writer's pictureSara Farwell

Enjoying summer and the great outdoors well also respecting it.

Summer is the season when everyone is going to beaches to go swimming or the woods to go hiking. Most beaches and hiking trails are in state parks or national parks. The state parks are nice even though most charge a fee to enter and use their facilities but they are great places for anyone who wants to go for a swim to cool off or go camping. One thing though is that we all must remember that humans are not the only ones who use these parks.

My children and I love animals. We enjoy seeing animals in nature whether it be birds, mammals, reptiles or aquatic life. I have taught my children to keep their distance however any time we come in contact with a wild animal. It is something every person should be taught due to the dangers that are associated with wild animals.

My family and I frequent a state park in New Hampshire during the summer. At that state park, we see geese and ducks and usually ducklings. Now I allow my children to view the birds from a distance but to never get too close or follow them. I have warned them that the birds can and will bite/attack if they feel threatened especially when it comes to their babies. The best thing we can do when they come strolling the beach is to let them be and observe from a distance. This is something my mother taught me as she grew up on a farm and learned to respect all animals.

This past weekend, we were at the park at dusk so the birds came out looking for dinner. They were strolling the beach, digging in the sand for food and swimming in the lake. Now the beach was still pretty crowded as the park did not close for a couple more hours. The sight I saw saddened me though as it showed that many children and adults never learned to respect the animals on this Earth.

There were teenagers throwing sticks at the geese and adults laughing at the sight. Adults were trying to kick the geese away and children were chasing them. Now, I did not just sit and watch all this. I did tell the teenagers to leave the geese alone and I did tell the children not to chase the geese but sadly not everyone listened. I did get to chat with three children who started asking questions about the geese like what do they eat and why did I say the beach was their home. I am hoping that what I told them will stick with them so they can remember to respect the wildlife next time.

This is something that everyone should remember when they are in nature. Animals use these places as their homes and to raise their young. We do not like being disturbed in our home so we should respect them in their home. #stateparks #wildlife #respect #parenting

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