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  • Writer's pictureSara Farwell

Fourth of July Family Travel Tips

Fourth of July is a great time to get away and travel or even just stay home and do something for that weekend. I will say, traveling during that time can be pretty crazy and rates tend to be higher due to the holiday. My husband used to enjoy taking that week off at work but due to rates and where we want to vacation, we changed that. So this year, we stayed home and enjoyed our local

fireworks on the 3rd and went to a local state park on the 4th.

Some tips when it comes to celebrating the 4th is having a plan. If you want to travel, make sure you have reservations ahead of time. No

sense in driving hours to a destination just to find out that you have no place to stay. My husband wanted to take the older girls camping this past weekend up in Twin Mountain. I told him to check to see if there were any sites available before he started planning. Good thing, as there were no sites available online and yes, he could have drove almost three hours and there may have been a last minute cancellation but why waste the gas and end up having to drive home grumpy and tired. Another tip, you do not leave to travel a great distance to enjoy your holiday. My family enjoyed a few hours at Pawtuckaway State Park this year on the 4th. That is only an hour away from our home. It has a nice beach and thankfully due to the crappy weather, it was not packed. I do try to avoid the tourist areas as I do not enjoy the crowds and the hunt for parking, so if you are staying local, go to those secret spots that only locals really go to. The tourists will be at the crowded beaches while you are enjoying the more secluded spots that only locals really enjoy. My last tip is for those who do want to travel with their family to big touristy areas. If you want to go to extremely popular areas for the 4th, such as Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, Myrtle Beach or any other place like that, you better book the hotel a year in advance if you can or as soon as those dates become available. Why? Because there are people that go to

the same places every year for the 4th so they snag those reservations right up every year.

My family enjoyed our 4th of July and thankfully the rest of the week has been nice and beautiful so we were able to break out the sprinkler for the girls. I hope you all enjoyed your holiday, whether you spent it at home or on vacation. If you are looking to get your 2024 summer plans booked, reach out for a quote request at and lets give you something to look forward to for next summer! Also, if you are looking for some comfy, affordable clothes to wear this summer check out a fellow mom's website

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