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  • Writer's pictureSara Farwell

Homeschooling one while tending to a sick child and still getting in some me time.

Today, my middle child woke up with a fever. My oldest was still sleeping so I was able to tend to her and get her situated before I had to get breakfast going for the other three. And no, I did not give her any fever reducing medication. Parent tip here: do not give them fever reducing medicine unless the fever makes them so uncomfortable that even resting is impossible. The fever is killing whatever virus is in their system. My other two children and I got ready for the day and treated it like any other day with the only difference is I only had one child to educate instead of two.

Now let's talk about homeschooling things, shall we. Today was a history and science day. We only do two subjects a day due to my daughter shutting down if spent doing school work for too long but she does reading on her own in the afternoon and sometimes a Spanish lesson on her tablet. We use Duolingo which is free and they do have an app so it is super easy for her to use on her own.

In history, we finished off reading about the Ancient Chinese today and read briefly about the Scythians, Mongols and then the Native Americans of North and Central America. Interesting to read about the different beliefs, practices and ways of life among these groups of people. The books we read from were, On the Run in Ancient China by Linda Bailey and The Usborne Book of World History. Linda Bailey has other books just like this one that are fun to read and teach them about history and cultures and of course Usborne has many books that are great for teaching any subject, which leads us to our science lesson.

In science, we have been studying animals which my daughter absolutely loves to learn about it. Our science book right now is Usborne World of Animals. It is filled with so much information about the animal world plus it has internet links that you can access through the Usborne site that takes you to videos and such to learn more. Every time we read a set of pages, I go on that site and check out a video for my daughter to watch. Today, we read about how animals see, hear, smell, taste and touch. So we watched one video on 15 animals with amazing eyes, and then a video of a cat in slow motion using their whiskers,

Now, that seems like so much but due to having only one child to educate this morning, we finished earlier than usual. That meant that I could possibly relax and get some reading in before lunch and nap time. So I took the two healthy children outside while my middle child slept and let them play and I read The Chosen by Jerry Jenkins. A very good book if anyone is a fan of the show as it is the show in book form. I sometimes have trouble following the show so the book is better for me anyway.

That was my morning and yes having a sick child is no fun but sometimes when you have just one sick child that is able to rest, it can make things go a bit more smoothly. I do not wish my children were ever sick though as I hate seeing them sick even though sometimes I think they enjoy being doted on. Send healing thoughts my way please as I pray that this is just a 24 hour bug that does not spread to the rest of the family. #homeschooling #history #science #usborne #sickchild #thechosen #momofthree #metime

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