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  • Writer's pictureSara Farwell

How to keep a child's room clean

I don't really have an answer to this question but I have my take on the concept. My 8 year old and 4 year old share a bedroom and for some reason even though they have no toys in that room, they cannot keep it clean. I am not one of those parents that picks up my children's mess, I just have them keep working on the room day after day until it finally gets clean. My husband on the other hand cannot stand messes at all so he breaks down and decides to help them. Last night was one of those days where he decided to help them clean the room. Of course, with the 4 year old sick, he only had the 8 year old to help him but it still got done for the most part.

I have a question for everyone about how they clean. When I clean, I start in one corner and work my way around the room. I put things that do not belong in that particular area in the middle of the room and get to that once every corner of the room is clean. I find it easier to break down the room as I feel less overwhelmed by the mess. My husband, on the other hand, likes to put everything in the middle of the room which creates a massive pile. From there, he takes care of things one by one until everything in that pile is taken care of. I would like to know how you all clean your rooms and if I am the odd one in cleaning one corner or if my husband is with his massive pile.

Now on to figuring out how to get my children to keep their room clean. As I mentioned above, my children do not have toys in their bedroom. We have two designated playrooms in my house. One is downstairs and holds all the toys that the baby is allowed to play with and the other one is in our third bedroom and that holds all the toys that have small parts not meant for little ones (barbies, legos, dress up stuff, etc.). My oldest has been asking for her own room for quite some time but she does not want to get rid of any toys. I made a deal with her last night after cleaning her bedroom. The deal is that if she can keep her room and the playroom clean and organized then we can look into getting her a day bed to put into the upstairs playroom. We shall see if that motivates her to keep the rooms clean. Of course, any mess created by the 4 year old would not be held against her.

Moving my oldest into her own room would be great as the baby turns 2 in September and my husband wants her in her own bed by then. The plan is to put the toddler bed in the second bedroom with the older two but I feel the oldest will really want her own room after that as her baby sister loves to climb all over her. We shall see what happens. Thankfully, I just got some new Thirty-One organizational products that I can give to the girls, so hopefully that will help them keep their room a bit cleaner. Tell me what tips or tricks you have to keep bedrooms and playrooms clean. #cleanrooms #messychildren #notenoughrooms #momofthree #organization #thirtyone #howdoyouclean

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