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  • Writer's pictureSara Farwell

Me time and the guilt that comes with.

The majority of mothers in the world put their children and family first in their lives. That usually ends up with mom, as a person, at the bottom of the priority list. That is in no way wrong as I do it myself and it is understandable. Mothers are raising the next generation. We teach, feed, clean and discipline them with the hopes that they will be self-sufficient, respectable adults one day. On top of that, we run our households which usually involve cooking, cleaning, being a nurse and a taxi driver for our families. It is no wonder that we do not make ourselves a priority. But, by doing so, we could be better mothers and feel better about ourselves as well.

Since I homeschool my children, I do not have much time for me. I do not even try to make much time for me either as at the end of the day I am too tired to do anything else. Recently, I have discovered I really need me time. I do not feel good about myself and I am just not a happy person. I told my husband that the nights that I take my oldest to her church activity, I would go to the gym to workout from now on. A small step in the right direction as it gives me enough time to take a class or just run on the treadmill and then go for a quick swim.

Taking time for ourselves like I have decided to do should not make us feel bad or guilty but for some reason it does. I went away for a wedding for a weekend last month and felt awful the whole time I was there because my children missed me. I was just filled with guilt for leaving my children with my husband that I could not enjoy myself. Now thankfully, last night I did not feel guilt for going to the gym but my oldest did try to get me to stay with her during her activity. I felt bad for a little bit as she won't want me around forever and I do enjoy watching her goof off with her friends but I needed to leave for me.

Mothers do so much for everyone. We help organize school things and extracurricular stuff for our children. We plan and cook meals. We run the errands for our families and make sure that kids make it to their appointments. We put so much on our shoulders that sometimes we need to remove it all and have time to focus on us. It helps with our mental, physical and emotional health and it makes us a better person and mother. This is something that I have had a major struggle with especially after having my third child but I am slowly making myself a priority. #selfcare #metime #momguilt #superbusymamaofthree #exercise #mentalhealth

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