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  • Writer's pictureSara Farwell

Using the free resources in your neighborhood: the library.

I remember going to the library extremely frequently as a child and then using it as a place to study as a teenager. My mother always signed us up for the summer reading program and we had our own library card. The library always had such fun events going on especially during the summer.

Now, as a mom of three and a homeschooler, we frequent the library and thankfully we live walking distance to one and just a short drive to another. I have the added benefit of being able to have library cards for my family to not one library but two. Both those libraries are also able to get books from libraries all over the state for free as well. But libraries are more than just books.

This past week, my girls and I were able to attend a Tide Pool event at one of our local libraries. This was a great learning experience for them as they got to not only learn about the creatures that frequent tide pools in our area but also touch them. Now, as homeschoolers, this is great as it helps build on our science curriculum but even if I did not homeschool, it is such a fun way to bring education to children over the summer.

The event was all part of the summer reading program at this library which focuses on oceans. The summer reading program is always a great program for all kids and thankfully our library uses an app called beanstack to help us keep track of our reading. Most everyone with children know about the summer slide and that the best way to combat that is by having children keep reading. Summer reading programs are helpful in that it rewards children for reading. Some libraries track minutes while some track books read or a combination of both. Our library tracks books read and that is different depending on the age of the child. My children love knowing how many more books they have to read to get the next prize. These programs help children find books they are interested in and gets them reading while rewarding them. It helps with the summer slide and it helps get their eyes off a screen.

Most libraries even offer summer reading programs for adults which is beneficial because I feel as I got older, I read less. It is a nice reward system to get me reading even if I feel my life is too chaotic or busy to read. I have actually set aside 20 minutes of family reading time in the afternoon and everyone reads or looks at books during that time. It is great way to get the whole family reading and spend time together doing the same thing.

Libraries also offer computers, movies, games and even free wifi which for students is great because schools often times closed for the summer but they still might have school work. Not all households have internet as it is not cheap but it has become a necessity for so many. I know my local library has hotspots that people are allowed to borrow.

They also have museum passes that they lend out as well which is a great way for families on a budget to go on fun field trips during school vacations and summer time.

These are just a few things my local library has to offer which can be utilized at all times of the year. Almost every city in the country has a free library and residents of those cities are usually able to get a free library card. I suggest that you look into what your library has to offer and head down to check out a book or two. #homeschool #momofthree #libraries #summerreading #summerslide

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