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  • Writer's pictureSara Farwell

Welcome to My Life

Welcome and thank you for reading. Let me introduce myself. My name is Sara and I am a Latter-Day Saint homeschooling mother of three girls. I started this blog to share my journey of parenting and homeschooling and to maybe help others realize that there is no right way to parent and that as long as your children know they are loved, you are doing better than you probably think. My life is busy and crazy most of the time what with working outside the home a few days a week, being a homeschooling mom and having a Thirty-One business to run but I don't think I would trade it for anything in the world. For instance, at this very moment, I am sitting in a messy office/schoolroom while doing a party for my business while listening to my husband try to get my four year old to bed as tonight she does not want to sleep in her bed, again. And unfortunately, her bedroom is next to my office so her crying is being heard while I do my live videos for the party. But, that is life. I apologize to my guests and tell them I'm a mom and this is what I do. I honestly believe though that life would be boring without all this chaos. I do not know what I would do without my children as they are my life and I hope you enjoy reading about them and our life and homeschooling journey through this blog! Remember to cherish the sweet moments with your children and to try to just breathe through the chaotic ones. #homeschoolingjourney #momofthree #thirtyone #superbusymama

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